post election stress disorder

Beyond the Ballot: How to Recover from ‘Post-Election Stress Disorder’ & Reclaim Hope After Political Betrayal


In the aftermath of the U.S. presidential elections, a vast number of us feel rattled—experiencing everything from anger to despondency, fear, and confusion. We may even feel a sense of shame for the intensity of these emotions, wondering why we’re so affected by it all. But what if these emotions aren’t the result of having our preferred candidate lose? What if they’re the result of feeling like we’ve been betrayed?

Many people are reporting what’s being called “post-election stress disorder,” marked by anxiety, fear, and overwhelm. But if we look deeper, we may find that what we’re experiencing is more than just stress. It’s a sense of betrayal—an emotional rupture that occurs when the expectations we’ve relied on are broken, shaking our faith in the world around us.

Understanding the election results as a betrayal of our collective values can help us manage these feelings effectively and recover a sense of agency, optimism, and purpose. Let’s explore why this election feels so deeply personal and how we can use the FUEL UP framework—a betrayal recovery approach—to process our emotions, regain balance, and even fuel positive change.


Why This Election Feels Like Betrayal—How It Shook Our Core Beliefs


Betrayal is a unique form of trauma. It arises when someone or something we believed in lets us down in a fundamental way, challenging our assumptions about ourselves or the world. After embracing values such as honesty, humility, integrity, and empathy for generations, many Americans expect our leaders to hold themselves to the same standards. We look to them as stewards of our collective well-being, believing they will act in our best interests, honor democratic principles, and lead with integrity. When we witness dishonesty, divisiveness, or a disregard for those principles, our trust in these leaders, institutions, and our fellow Americans falters. It feels like the very ground beneath us is shaking, and if we’re not careful, our footing might be lost.

This kind of betrayal of our core values hits hard and feels deeply personal. Not only do we begin questioning the validity of the institutions we rely on, but we also question ourselves, our actions, and our beliefs: Am I the only one who thought values were important and played by the rules? How can my judgment be so wrong? Am I being naïve to trust our leaders, systems, or fellow humanity? And most disturbingly, if I was so wrong then, how will I ever be able to trust myself again? Am I always going to get hurt? When this level of disillusionment sets in, it can feel easier to disconnect, shut down emotionally, and abandon hope. But in doing so, we rob ourselves of the opportunity to process and respond to betrayal in a constructive way.

The good news is that by identifying betrayal as the root of our post-election distress, we can address it properly. Rather than internalizing feelings of sadness or anger, we can use those emotions as fuel to empower ourselves, reconnect with our values, and take meaningful action.


The FUEL UP Framework for Addressing Betrayal

The FUEL UP framework is a five-step protocol for addressing betrayal, regaining energy, and building resilience that has been successfully used in personal and professional settings alike. Here’s how to use it to transform your post-election distress into something that heals and empowers you for the next four years and beyond.


F – Find Your Foundation

When everything around you feels chaotic, it’s essential to return to your own core values and beliefs. Ask yourself what truly matters to you: Is it honesty? Compassion? Integrity? Or perhaps a simple desire to recognize and support the common good? Acknowledge these values as the bedrock of who you are. Recognize that, even when others disappoint us, our own values remain intact. By rooting yourself in your principles, you regain a sense of stability and clarity despite what’s going on around you. Your values form your internal compass, guiding you forward when everything else feels uncertain.


U – Uncover the Source of Betrayal & Uphold Your Ideals

The pain we feel during these times of division and disillusionment is deeply tied to our expectations. When we uncover and name these expectations, we empower ourselves to create new possibilities in support of ideals we hold dear. While we might have presumed that fairness, honesty, and the greater good would be prioritized by all and been crushed by a sense of betrayal when they weren’t, naming our pain as betrayal helps us to stop internalizing our distress and start processing our emotions in a healthy way.

Sometimes, simply identifying betrayal as the source of your dissatisfaction can help. The next step is asking yourself: How can I embody the values I feel are absent in today’s political landscape? You may find ways to get involved in local initiatives, support leaders who reflect your ideals, or even just model the kindness and integrity you want to see in the world. By acknowledging the root of the pain and choosing a proactive response, you take back control of your narrative and use betrayal as fuel to create positive change.


E – Establish Expectations & Boundaries For Yourself

An essential step in recovering from betrayal is establishing clear expectations and boundaries for yourself. Instead of absorbing every distressing headline or social media post, consider how you can engage with the news and political commentary in a way that preserves your mental health. This might look like establishing boundaries around how much or what type of media you consume, reframing your expectations of the tone and quality of the next four years, or engaging only in discussions that are constructive and uplifting.

Setting boundaries and expectations for yourself is an act of self-respect. It’s a reminder that while you care about the world and its future, you’re not obligated to let it consume you. Protecting your mental and emotional space allows you to stay engaged without losing yourself in chaos and stay informed without becoming overwhelmed or discouraged by divisiveness.


L – Use Laughter to Relieve Stress & Reset the Tone

Political tension is no joke, but laughter is one of the most powerful tools we have to release stress and recalibrate our nervous systems. When we laugh, we release endorphins—natural mood lifters that help calm both the mind and body. Finding moments of humor, even in challenging situations, reminds us not to take everything so seriously and offers a fresh perspective. Whether it’s watching a favorite comedy, sharing funny stories with friends, or simply laughing at the absurdity of life, humor brings us back to center and provides a vital emotional release. Laughter doesn’t solve all our problems, but it brings us closer to feeling whole, grounded, and ready to face the challenges ahead.


U & P – Unbroken Promises to Yourself: Reclaiming Your Sovereign Power

Rebuilding self-trust after betrayal begins with honoring your promises to yourself. In times of upheaval, it’s tempting to let healthy habits slide, but this is precisely when your commitment to self-care, mindfulness, and self-compassion becomes paramount. This is your moment to recommit to the foundations that keep you grounded and resilient. By protecting your peace, you build an unshakable inner stability—even as the world shifts around you.

This commitment to yourself is more than just a routine; it’s a declaration of your sovereign power. By honoring your needs, setting firm boundaries, and nurturing what brings you joy and meaning, you anchor yourself in a profound act of resilience. Staying true to your values, fostering enriching relationships, and feeding your spirit aren’t luxuries—they are essential elements of reclaiming your autonomy and strength.

When you trust yourself to show up consistently and never abandon your own well-being, you gain clarity on who you are, what you deserve, and where you hold influence. With this clear inner foundation, you not only thrive amidst uncertainty—you begin to actively shape the world you wish to see.

FUEL UP for a Healthy, Regulated, & Empowered Future


As this election season fades, the path to recovery lies in our ability to reclaim our own sense of hope, purpose, and power. By identifying our post-election distress as a form of betrayal, we step into a place of clarity—acknowledging the gap between what we envisioned and the reality we’re faced with. The FUEL UP framework gives us a way to address that pain, transforming it into a powerful motivator to live aligned with our deepest ideals.

Remember, you can stay connected to your values and your desires by becoming the change you wish to see, even when the world feels deeply misaligned. By anchoring yourself in compassion, integrity, and hope, you can stand strong and ready to rebuild, both for yourself and those around you. Take this moment to become the leader of your own life, to cultivate the kindness, justice, and empathy you long to see, and to use this framework not only to heal from your feelings of betrayal but to create lasting, meaningful change.

Together, with renewed energy and intention, we can transform betrayal into a call for unity, respect, and understanding—fueling a brighter future for us all.


Lora Cheadle’s new book, It’s Not Burnout; It’s Betrayal: 5 Tools to FUEL UP and Thrive is being released on January 21, 2025, and is available for pre-order. Learn more and sign up for updates at

Picture of Lora Cheadle, Burnout Recovery Expert

Lora Cheadle, Burnout Recovery Expert

Lora Cheadle is a Colorado-based speaker/trainer, attorney, and coach who shows business professionals and their teams how to break free from burnout and find the personal and professional satisfaction they crave. Her 5-step framework to recover from burnout is unique because it allows professionals to uncover and connect to their beliefs and expectations, so they can speak up and advocate effectively for themselves and what brings them internal satisfaction.

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